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Judge Smails = Donald Trump

The theory isn't so far-fetched now, is it?

Movies need villains. Countries don't need villains, but in case you haven't noticed, we have one anyway. We have a rich dude at the helm who cheats (ask any of a litany of his unpaid contractors), discriminates, revels in his own sense of humor, over-promises, under-delivers, and thinks he can bully people around due to his wealth and/or grandeur.

Oh, and did I mention golf? This is just too tailor-made. While Smails is a judge who for some reason (his dad founded Bushwood CC is my best guess) has an office at the country club, there is a website set up just to track the amount of time Trump has spent golfing during his presidential tenure. As of this writing, he's at a course once every 4.4 days...

Smails first appears in Caddyshack driving his fancy car (kinda like riding down an escalator in a fancy building) to the clubhouse appalled to find gophers tunneling under the course, assumedly from the nearby Czervik construction site. He berates a groundskeeper, imploring him to get rid of the gophers. Somewhere echoing in my head is, "The gophers, they're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists..."

So what does Smails promise? This:

Reminiscent of anyone you know? Someone who makes bold promises about what will happen oh so quickly?

Both are made fun of for what's on their head:

Just by chance, could we get a look at your taxes, Mr. Trump?

How about after they're done being audited?

Any message for the middle class regarding your tax plan?

Another unpleasant resemblance:

Blech. But to interject a serious chaser after that horrible shot of ass, we're also dealing with someone in Trump who sent out plenty of overt and dog-whistle racist signals. He appointed the vile elf Jeff Sessions as Attorney General. Sessions, like Trump, hammers home the phrase "we are a nation of laws" (no shit), but with the history to suggest these laws will be applied to only to black and brown people.

Trump rescinded DACA, but somehow 100% abdicated himself from the decision, parading whipping boy Sessions to the podium to deliver the message, and then tweeting at Congress to fix the program.

But still, the worst, most blatantly racist action of his term was the pardon of shitbag Joe Arpaio. We know why he sucks, but for posterity, this timeline does the best to break it down succinctly.

In a comedy movie, do we really have anything comparable from Smails? Well, it's closer than you might think.

No one needs to be subjected to the cringe-worthy Billy Bush tape again, or the numerous complaints of sexual assault...

Did we mention the racist stuff and allegations of Trump saying the n-word on Apprentice tapes?

We've all been lied to in our lives. We know what's up. Trump doesn't act like an honest person. He won't release his taxes. He claims to be a counter-puncher, but in reality just attacks anyone who doesn't agree with him. His saving grace in the world of politics is being shameless. He never apologizes, just doubles down. As in real life, this is behavior other politicians don't know how to deal with. They're used to respect and civility and an admission of guilt when someone is obviously guilty. Somehow 46% of voters found this also to be refreshing and/or a strength instead of a weakness and character flaw. No matter how loudly the rational among us yelled, these warnings fell on too many deaf ears.

In the end, whether it is the intelligence community or Mueller's probe that boots Trump, here is what we all want him to admit about the 2016 Election:
