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Review: Key & Peele

I sign off nearly every column with "Have fun!" That is more than a dumb little catch phrase; it's how I want to live, and what I like to inspire. Selling and buying baseball cards is fun for me. Not the bookwork or taxes parts, but chatting with collectors and actually getting down into the trenches of this business are things I enjoy.

When not selling cards, I like to have a good time - cracking jokes, making people laugh, and hanging around people who make me do the same. To that end, I'm also always searching for funny movies, TV shows, podcasts, and the like. So it was with high expectations that I took in the premiere of Key & Peele (airs Tuesdays at 9:30 Central on Comedy Central). A sketch comedy show featuring two guys I'd never heard of - Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele. The previews looked pretty funny, and I thought this show might have the potential of ... (gulp) Chappelle's Show.

I know. I'm not about to take these two rookies and compare them to the master. But I thought the show had potential. Unfortunately, even with reasonable expectations, this show let me down a little bit. I do see some bright spots... Key and Peele are enthusiastic. They have fairly creative insights into racial and gender relations. They have some good, funny ideas.

But that's about it. They're not funny enough. They're not polished enough. They often have good concepts for a sketch, but lose something in development, leaving their sketches too long or too predictable. The "I said, 'Biiiitch...'" sketch suffered from both of those flaws. As did the "Gideon's Kitchen" sketch. I did enjoy the "Obama's Anger Translator" sketch though.

Outside of the bits that lasted too long and arrived safely and predictably at their punchlines, I was horrified by the spots in the middle where Key and Peele stood on stage and talked in front of the audience. While trying to have the appearance of an off-the-cuff conversation, this is one area where they were too polished. Finishing each other's sentences... Keeping the cadence of a cheesy sales presentation instead of a conversation... It was very uncomfortable and very transparent. Dislike.

Key and Peele are charismatic, likeable guys. But they're not coming at us with any earth-shattering comedy. They aren't pushing any limits. They aren't surprising you with any punchlines. I'll give their show a few more chances, but as of right now, I don't see it taking off.

Have fun!

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